Wadsworth Woodlands has always been committed to harvesting timber in an environmentally friendly manner. We specialize in selective tree cutting and lot clearing ensuring you receive the best return from your timber and from future harvests. Wadsworth Woodlands provides you, the landowner, with accurate records and copies of mill receipts for every load of forest products delivered to the lumber mill. You will receive payment once a week for the timber that was harvested during the previous weeks. Also, we protect you by using fully insured contractors.
Free Initial Consultation!
Contact us today at 207-625-2468
Services we provide when we harvest your woodlot.
Harvest Plan Development
After our free initial consultation we develop timing and the logistics of the harvest. Considerations in timing and logistics would include: the time of year to harvest, do we need frozen/dry ground, does it need to be a seed year, where is the best log landing location, which subcontractor would be the best “fit” to harvest your woodlot? These considerations are essential for a successful harvest.
Boundary Line Location
Before the harvest commences our foresters walk your boundary lines and flag them with pink flagging. This ensures that the logging professionals can easily identify your boundary lines.
Timber Marking & Trail Layout
Before the harvest our foresters mark all timber to be harvested, and lay out skid roads in the most efficient manner ensuring the harvest has the least impact possible on the environment. We utilize Best Management Practices as recommended by the Department of Conservation, which are designed to help preserve and protect water quality during and after harvest operations. We regularly employ recommendations which included: identify watershed features for road and trail layout, locating and minimizing stream crossings, installing water bars and other diversions on skid trails and truck roads, post-harvest seeding and haying of landing.
Marketing Timber Products
Wadsworth Woodlands has up to 6 logging crews subcontracting with us simultaneously. Since we are large suppliers of timber to several mills, we will negotiate the best price for your timber assets. We work with a wide range of lumber mills and guarantee the best price for your timber products.
In fact, we supply the most White Pine logs to Hancock Lumber over any other supplier.
Logger Contracting & Logging Supervision
We are committed to providing the highest standards of utilization and marketing for your wood products, thus ensuring the greatest return on your forestland investment. The Certified Logging Professionals that we subcontract are some of the most ethical around, however; our foresters still monitor each harvest to guarantee that the harvest is the best it can be. We have good working relationships with each of our subcontractors, and as we regularly work with the same crews, they know what our expectations are.
Permitting & Notification with Local & State Agencies and Adherence to Municipal Laws
Wadsworth Woodlands is current on all state, county and local laws for every town in Maine and New Hampshire. We know exactly what permits to file, and with whom to insure that every harvest is compliant with all regulatory agencies. We work closely with the local State Forest Ranger to assure we are in compliance with all laws.
Provide Insurance Certificate to Landowners
Before we begin a harvest each landowner is presented with a certificate of insurance with liability in the coverage amount of $1,000,000 from Wadsworth Woodlands and our subcontractors.
Free Initial Consultation!
Contact us today at 207-625-2468
“Good forest practices can improve the aesthetic and biological integrity of your forest. Wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, access, and forest health can all be improved with the thoughtful application of forest science.” |